Thursday, November 29, 2007

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Season of Giving

The Clouds Have Lifted

The evil wretched month that is November is at last at its nasty end. Probably the worst month I have had in all my 23 years (I could pass for 23...Well - fuck it!).

Much has changed within the wicked weeks that were November. I walked out of my job. To all that have ever just had enough and left there is something both invigorating and frightening about the move. It felt great to walk out of that evil place, but on the drive home my mind was racing with thoughts of how I will afford my mortgage, my clothes addiction and my botox (Eeeekkk). Will I be forced to wear non-designer clothes or be to live in an integrated neighborhood or even worse be forced to miss a visit to my sexy dermatologist who dispenses the wonderful botox?. All of the sudden I felt faint and had to pull over to the side of the road. Actually, to a liquor store - the comfort for any of life's problems.

After a drunken weekend and more gin that I will ever admit to or remember I decided this change would be a positive move. I called a friend who "knew people" and a few weeks later I landed another job that I am sure to hate. So my world keeps on spinning and my American Express will not grow cold and unused. My face will forever be tight and without flaw and I don't ever have to even think about asking the wicked birth-givers for money.

So with the horrible month soon in the rear view mirror I am not hard pressed to dress my house in the decor of Christmas. I am putting up my trees and stringing my lights and hubby will be on the roof hanging the outside lights.

I just love December!!!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Up for Air!!!

I must be a glutton for punishment. Between work and school obligations I am left with minutes of free time each week. My eyes are getting worse by the day, because I spend so much time doing research for my freaking dissertation, which will never be completed!!! I keep thinking that there will be an end to all of this self-inflicted torture, but then comes the repayment of the student loans - ugghhh!!!

Years ago, I thought a student loan sounded like a wonderful idea to continue my education and I would not have to worry about repayment for years to come. Well, I am about there and I am scared to look at what will be the final numbers. It is ironic that I spend years of my life to enhance my knowledge and provide better options for my future only to be mounted with huge debt at the end.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

For The Seafood Lover In You!

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Gay Dictionary

peep-hole squad: vice squad that work washrooms to entice gays into sex, or work behind two way mirror to arrest guys having sex. Syn: agents provocateurs; crapper dicks; crapper decoys; shakers; urinal sniffers

Monday, October 15, 2007